'This is gonna be so fun! Now all that's missing is Charo!' by Kara
What do YOU want for Christmas?
First: A Wii -- 12%
Candy/a PS3: 3% each
* +10 to sad/depressing/sentimental ones, because I honestly don't know what else to do with them.
* 'decent final grades ;_;': +50 and a wish of good luck ... I've been there.
* 'the rest of my college paid for': +30, I currently am there.
* 'World Domination. I keep asking, but Santa never comes through.': -20, because that's for me.
* 'Books, books, and more books': +50, books.
* 'Godlike control over another's life..... Oh wait, webcomic..... Nevermind.': -10 for giving away my secret.
* '...I'm Jewish...': -10 for not taking advantage of the question. Dude, I'm inviting you to celebrate a second (highly commercialised) holiday and get even more free swag! No commitment, neither. Silly boy/girl. You coulda had free real estate and a rocket launcher without even having to go to a Christmas Eve service. Think of that while you're eating your gelt. (... actually, wait, gelt freakin' rocks. Huh.)
* 'I want House and Wilson to make up, and for Tritter to disappear into oblivion': +20, me too
* 'You, because you're cuddly (Well, you look cuddly at least lol)': -100 for kinda making me feel gross
* 'God-Jesus': +10, God-Jesus
* 'Crack open a bottle o the finest red wine and celebrate the fact that the One Piece dub has been cancelled...': +25 because although I never got into One Piece, I ran across the dub once and it sucked.
* 'A Moller SkyCar': +40 because this looks freakin' awesome.
* 'World Piece. I'm not too greedy, Australia will be enough.': +10, hahahahaha.
* 'Reika in a Bikini': No points given or taken, just a sigh and an eyeroll, and a thought that maybe I should auction off a print and see what happens.
Correct Answer: 'For most of the rest of the world to get a sense of humour. :D'
And, of course, a new poll for you. If you have been, I need ta know.
Friday, December 15, 2006 at 8:25 AM
Very few things right now make me happier than the Doctor Who Advent calendar. Seeing as I forgot to buy an Advent calendar this year and it's a bit late to warrant it now. Or maybe it isn't.
Second: (Obligatory reference to sex) -- 8% (-10 to each of you)
Third: Gift certificates/real estate -- 5%
Rocket launcher: 0%