'I am worth CAKE MIX, dammit, and don't you forget it!!' by Kara
Since I'm still not terribly in a good mindset to be upbeat, we get to talk 'business.'
First, Speechbubble has started sending me creatives for ad campaigns. I've turned down the first campaign because 1. the ad itself is only going to show up for readers in the UK (everyone else will see a generic Speechbubble ad), and 2. it was huge. There's nowhere anywhere on the site I could put it without it being obnoxious. So I've asked them if they have a different size and/or layout, and if not, I just won't be in on this one.
At any rate, I do get to say whether I run certain ads or not, as you can see. Even though it'd pull in money, I'm not compromising the accessibility of the site for that. Theoretically I could put one on the right there and shuffle the link buttons off somewhere else, but I like them being up front. Ideally, I could fit one right up top where the cowbell thing is. And I was told they'd have some in that size, but apparently not at the moment (or just not for this campaign). So for the mo, I'm holding off.
Also, the forum was down for a bit, but is now working again. Although I've started thinking that maybe my speed in fixing the forum when it gets busted should be directly proportional to the activity it got before it was busted. The only reason it was fixed so quickly this time was that I'd gotten paranoid and made a backup.
If you have been, too bad.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 9:16 AM
Yeah ... so this whole 'getting better' thing just wasn't working out for me. I've decided to be sick for a little longer. You know, it's just a thing.