'My trouble is wine, women, and song, and I can't get any of 'em.' by Kara
Because of comic obligations, looks like I'll be seeing The Night Listener tomorrow instead of today. I miss being able to do opening night of Robin-sama's movies, but real life gets in the way more often than not. It's also dependent upon whom I can coerce into going with me. It wasn't difficult to get people to want to see RV, since it was a goofy happy movie, but people aren't always in the mood for sad biographical flicks.
No Otakon. Bad Otakon. Let's see how you lot feel about it!
Are you going to Otakon?
First: No, too far away - 24%
Yes, only because I'm working: 5%
* 'No, I'm still recovering from the last one. Pass me the ibuprofin.': +30 and some ibuprofen, poor dear
* 'Yes, and I'll be doing a panel with the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair!': For today only, I allow Co-Writer to distribute points to you depending on how the panel goes. (What a TWEEST!!!)
* 'Can't, sorry. My fiancee would kinda kill me if I skipped my wedding to go to an anime con.': I could subtract points for humour, but nah. +50 for being responsible.
* 'Every time I try I end up in an alternate dimension. Anyone want Blue Ramen with Parsley while I am there?': +10 if I can have some.
* 'if I say "never heard of it" five times fast does that mean I get -25000?': Yup. -25000
* 'No, I prefer smaller cons...plus have a friend's birthday that weekend, whom which I will be presenting a copy of SRT: Scramble Commander to...': +15, smaller cons; +40, SRT; -10, not giving SRT to me
* 'Can't you just contact him on the radio?': No points, but an eyeroll. Gah.
* 'Tokyo Disney Land! (I found something even larger and more crowded than Otakon.)': +25 sympathy points
Correct Answer: 'Otakon must die for it is evil and steals money to supply my liver'
If you have been, make a face like a weasel in a wind tunnel.
Friday, August 4, 2006 at 7:13 AM
Finally got a chance to listen to an interview with Robin-sama that was on NPR yesterday, of which I was informed by The Co-Writer with the Longest Hair. Got a little confused, seeing as how he said it was on Day by Day, and actually it was Fresh Air. (Bad Co-Writer! ... but good Co-Writer for informing me when I have little to no access to a good working radio.) The Co-Writer with the Bluest Liver, however, will be happy to know that Robin-sama addresses the Southern Insult during his interview. Excellent interview, I must agree, and not just because of my insane bias. Either way, I really do like listening to his interviews, because he's okay with talking about some really interesting/deep stuff. Love his stuff on characterisation in film, too.
Second: No, other obligations - 14%
Third: Yes, can't wait! - 5%
No, I just bloody hate it there: 3% (plus me)
Yes, and I wish I could get out of it: 2%