'May I take your hats, coats, and swastikas ...?' by Kara
Thus, New Year's Resolutions. Some of these may even be serious.
1. I will manage my time better. I do get everything done that I need to, and most of the stuff that I want to, but I feel like there must be a better way of getting around it. This year, I'll discover that new way of working things out so that I don't constantly freak myself out with what day it is.
2. I will get better at sudoku. This is very, very important to me.
3. I will keep on an as-yet undefined schedule for cleaning the flat on a regular basis. This will probably go along with #1.
4. I will improve the overall quality of my comics. Already started on that, but I'm going to try to keep things on an upward slope rather than a plateau with a few speedbumps on it.
5. I will stop picking on cats. I may have some trouble with this one.
6. I will get actual, good, new furniture for my flat. The telly's been on crates since February - I think it's about time.
I'm sure I'll pick up this list where I left off in Wicket tomorrow. But now, it's time for poll results.
FIRST: Christmas - 34%
SECOND: Whatever gets me the most presents - 8%
TIE: Solstice / Bobunk / the High Holy Feast of Hide Under the Bed - 6%
Festivus - 5%
Hanukkah - 3%
Tet - 2% (Really? Dude, seriously, really? That's kinda cool if so.)
ALSO: All of the above, none of the above, Christ-o-ween, 'ChristmaHannukKwanzadan-and-wintersolstice' (so you get, what, 19 presents?), sleeping, drinking with relatives, drinking to get drunk, 'Agnostica,' not-working, and something about chocolate.
CORRECT ANSWER: 'New Google Image Day - All hail the Ruler of the Internets!'
Friday, December 30, 2005 at 6:55 AM
The old year is 'bout done, and good riddance to it all. My year was lousy. It had all this weird weather in it.