'Who'd like a Jesus-back ride?' by Kara
In retrospect, I probably should have indicated that these are cosplay trophies. Maybe I'll edit that up later this weekend.
I'm updating from the office, because I crashed at my grandparents' house last night after attending a midnight showing of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with The Co-Writer with the Bluest Liver. Quick review? Fscking awesome. I have no complaints. Said Co-Writer noticed an historic inaccuracy concerning the curtains on the windows in one scene (during the blitz, they should have been black), but other than that, there's nothing to complain about. It's beautiful. Can't wait for Prince Caspian.
See, Hollywood? You can actually manage to not ream my childhood when you put your mind to it.
And now, time for the poll results.
How do we get The Co-Writer with the Longest Hair to join the damn forum?
FIRST: Threaten to cut his hair - 25%
SECOND: Blackmail him with more photos from the AUSA party - 20%
THIRD: Bribe with his own giant mech - 19%
Threaten to make him read Joyce's Ulysses - 7%
Bribe with candy - 3%
Threaten to make him read - 3%
Peer pressure - 2%
ALSO: Take away his copy of Super Robot Taisen (I guess they mean Alpha 3 specifically, although it could be any of them), threaten to draw him naked whenever he shows up in the comic, deny him cowbell, a combination/series of the bribes and threats listed, a bribe of letting him finish Candidate for Goddess, death by girly scrunchies, and some nonsense about a chainsaw.
CORRECT ANSWER: 'Hypnosis and a duck.'
The game is afoot, sir. You have been warned.
Friday, December 9, 2005 at 8:30 AM
This hasn't happened to me in quite the same way. I keep my trophies (the few that are mine - most have become the joint property of the William & Mary Anime Society) on the top shelf of my computer desk, which isn't at all clever. If the desk gets a bad jostle, which it often does, I get a plaque to the head. I'm starting to see the merits of actually hanging it on my wall, as is intended for plaques.