'Just lay there and try not to be pregnant.' by Kara
Or if I don't care because I'm personally amazed I even got through it.
Today's page is an experiment in dicking around with layout. It's not changing styles at the last minute. I just wanted to see how this'd look for this one page.
Long weekends aren't long weekends for me. I still work; I just work on stuff for you guys. If you have been, it's the night.
Monday, February 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM
So several new people are following me on Twitter after I hosted the Katsucon masquerade. Someone informed me that people were harsh about me (and thus likely my co-host) on pictochat. I'm not sure if I don't care because I don't have the energy, or if I don't care because 14 people at a four-digit-attendance con think they're the majority.