'I wanna pee next to Psychic Lover!' by Kara
Monday, April 6, 2009 at 10:09 AM

Oh, God. Akiba Fest was something awesome for me. Granted, I did not have to do any actual work. The Co-Writer with the Longest Hair will be going into his side of things tomorrow, I'm sure. I will say that part of his stress was unwarranted but understandable (he did awesome onstage), but the rest of it was (likely) the stress that gets stuff done and makes for a fantastic show.

I have a really epic story, but I'm saving it for when I have the photographic proof off my digicam.

Hitched a ride with a friend of ours, since the concert was up in Maryland and ... really ... Maryland is outside my 'safe driving distance.' Like an idiot, I was gonna go up there even if I had to drive myself. This would probably have been a bad idea, so I was thankful for the ride. Dan was going to a party up there anyway, so the plan was for him to drop me off, me to stay ... somewhere yet to be determined but hopefully I wouldn't be left out on the streets to starve ... and then get picked up the next morning on his drive back.

Met up with our friends at the show while Co-Writer pulled his hair out backstage. Yeah, poor guy was visibly nervous, but we all knew it'd be okay. Even if he hadn't done something of 'this level' before, the boy's a pro. Even if his co-host was damn hot but I'm not allowed to have that opinion.

Right ... so first up was Shing02 (for those too lazy to click the link, he did the OP for Samurai Champloo) and DJ Icewater. I'm not a fan of that modern hippity-hoppity music, but even so I liked this guy.

He was followed by a tag team of two Project.R members (Co-Writer kindly reminded me yesterday that the '.' is pronounced -- they are Project DOT R): Takayoshi Tanimoto and Sister MAYO. I have a story about Tanimoto that I believe constitutes Winning The Game, but ... I need to wait 'til I've got my photographic evidence for it ready.

Short break for Super Art Fight. The boys were awesome, as is to be expected, and made me regret even more that I haven't been to one of their proper shows up at the Ottobar. I will fix this.

Afterwards, out came Unicorn Table. I saw them a couple years ago at Anime Mid-Atlantic, and they continue awesome. Salia is unfairly gorgeous. And changes costumes ridiculously quickly. It was nice being familiar with more than one of their songs this time. In point of fact, I think there was only one song from their set I didn't know that night.

And then the reason that (apparently) every female capable of squealing was there that night: Psychic Lover. (Hey, at least those girls have taste.) Those two are real showmen. Yoffy was out in the audience, grabbing people's hats, getting up in my face whenever I had the camera out, whatever. I like to pretend it's cuz I'm hot and he couldn't keep his eyes off me.

Got to meet everyone briefly after the show and get pictures before I was toted back to Co-Writer's house by way of a party, half-shoeless and all. Again, that is a story for later. I have no idea if Co-Writer is aware of when I left yesterday morning, as he was rather understandably sleepwalking.

Like I said, I have photos. And video. Today I'm just gonna go to Best Buy and get a little card reader so I don't have to futz with the idiocy of the cord. Cuz I got some properly good ones.

More later when I can show and tell some of the stories. If you have been, that was stupid.

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