'Maybe because it's an INTERRACIAL XBox couple!!' by Kara
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 10:02 AM

No fools from me today. My philosophy for April Fool's is that any pranks played today should be obviously silly and psychologically harmless. Example, one year I was told on 1 April that someone I considered a fairly good friend told me in all seriousness that she was moving away to 'start over' and really had no desire to keep in touch with any of us. Now, said person was having a very rough time health-wise, and everyone who knew her was worried to death about her to begin with.

This is not a proper April Fool's prank because it's actually having a direct and (to a degree) harmful effect on people. Really quite obvious sillies that show creativity? I go looking for those on major websites.

You know what else I didn't actually do today? Anniversary art. Because I didn't even remember 'til super-late last night that ConScrew is now eight years old.


Yeah, I'm still having trouble believing this. It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting in my dorm room, trying very hard to come up with crap-ass jokes as an excuse to force myself to draw three times a week.

Wait ... no ... it really does seem like a good while ago. Never mind.

Thanks for reading along so far. I think I deserve a celebratory drink soon.

If you have been, well ... yeah.

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