'Bravenium ...? Really ...? Jesus.' by Kara
Monday, March 23, 2009 at 9:43 AM

Right, I can likely bring the funny today, so let's roll.

Are you a good dancer?

First: Sorta -- 14%
Second: No -- 7%
Third: I think I am, but everyone else disagrees -- 2%

Uncreativity Penalty: -50 to DDR and other dancing games, and my usual point dock (-100 this week, I'm grumpy this morning), to anyone who filled out an anime dance despite the option being there. -200 to the Haruhi dance since that's the most obvious. A relatively generous -5 for song lyrics.


* 'I went to prom in a threesome and we all danced together on the slow dance. This does not necessarily make me a good dancer, but come on, two prom dates.': Were they hot? If so, +25 for good taste. Are you hot? If so, +25 to each of them for good taste.

* 'If raucous laughter is the standard, then I'm an excellent dancer.': They're not laughing at you, they're laughing near you. +10 pity p- I mean, as a reward for your spectacular dancing.

* 'Who needs to be a good dancer when your Japanese boyfriend covers for you ...': You are ... oh, forget it, it's no fun if it's obvious.

* 'I could beat Wing.': +15 for giving me a neat link.

* 'I'm in a wheelchair right now so not only do I step on toes I roll over them too': Aim for the right people, and you get +5 per broken foot.

Correct Answer: 'I've made my own dance that involves flailing around the con dance floor and "acidentally" punching anyone in the face that's doing the Caramelldansen.'

All right, that's that. I think I have something for you now. If you have been, I hurt myself.

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