'A green penis with teeth that pop up where the head is.' 'So basically perfect.' by Kara
Friday, February 27, 2009 at 9:31 AM

Just spent half an hour trying to get 'malicious software' off my computer. Will never know what sort of malicious software it was, probably don't want to. I'll just leave this here.

Can you read music?

First: Yes -- 20%
Second: Sorta -- 17%
Third: No -- 9%

Uncreativity Penalty: None this week! Fantastic.


* 'I'm an ear musician. And of course by that I mean that I actually -play- a set of ears like castanets. Suck it, Dir en Grey!': I'd deduct points for creepy, but you get +15 instead for telling Dir en Grey to suck it.

* 'Only if it's being performed by part alien or non-alien bratty, cute or stuck up females who may want to save or destroy everything....': +10 cuz obvious.

* 'I can read music the same as I can Latin, which is badly. Catullus, Beethoven, I butcher both indiscriminately.': -20 because you just made me wonder what you'd do with poor Hildegard.

* 'Nah, I cheat with Clef Notes.': AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. -50!

* 'Yes, but since I can only play the keyboard (not the piano, there is a difference) and the flute, I am not sure how that helps me now in my old age.': +10 to get you started on a new career as ... like ... erm ... someone who impresses their friends. But -200 if you're talking about your 'old age' and you're under 60.

* 'Yes, but it's a complicated language. And it only has 7 letters.': Heh heh. There used to be more. +5 for effort.

Correct Answer: 'Maybe Mister B Natural will teach me!'

All right, onward, you little fiends. If you have been, I'm not saying it again.

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