'A nice lady is holding my man-bag. Oo-er.' by Kara
Friday, February 6, 2009 at 9:41 AM

I'd better do this now or I'll get too distracted.

This is a poll.

First: This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. -- 6%
Second: That is a pig. -- 2%

Uncreativity Penalty: 'This is me voting/posting' and variants. -50. -25 for 'brain on poll/poll on drugs.'


(I'm not going to get nearly all of these. Sorry.)

* '*points at poll* This is a poll! *points at Scientology* This is a cult! Poll! Cult! Poll! Cult!': +over 9000

* 'Increase the size of your poll with our medications!': -20, my poll is sufficiently large on its own.

* 'This is Schrödinger's poll - simultaneously a poll and a dead cat until we look in the box and...oh dear...': +20 smarty-pants points. Current exchange rate is 1 smarty-pants point = 1.5 regular points.

* 'I tap his lols. So a hill tips. A Lois is phat. Halo is split. I lost his pal.': Get off Wordsmith and do your work. Also, how much mana do you get for tapping a lol? (Oh Jesus.)

* 'and this is a couch. and that's a lamp. and you have boobies. we gotta do something!': +25 and you damn well know why.

* 'No, this is a pen. I am a boy.': Taro is also a boy. +5

* 'That's what the manga-ka -wants- us to think! It's really a mind control device that runs on the tears of puppies and Bacardi and compels us to write silly things in it! And I for one won't be a part of her diabolical scheme! No way, no how!': Pwned.

* 'This is not what was said by RF Scott before dying.': : +10 smarty-pants points. Remember the exchange rate.

* 'No, this is a pole." -- Fair enough. +5 NSFW points.

* 'Yay now I can make a tetris': You don't need points if you're playing Tetris. You're already hooked up. But you get +15 for that anyway.

* 'This is CNN.': +20, James Earl Jones visiting my comic.

Correct Answer: 'This is a way to kill five seconds.'

Whew! Yeah, finally done. This week's poll comes from the fact that I've started listening to NPR in the morning, and you lot sapped my Friday morning brain energy with all your answers. If you have been, louder!

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