'Have a look at my records, warden. And by records ... I mean VAGINA.' by Kara
Monday, January 5, 2009 at 8:58 AM

Here we go, kids. This'll be fun.

So this weekend saw me swinging by the old place to do some cleaning. I keep meaning to do it on the weekends, but I never sort of do. And while I have 'til the end of the month to do so, the longer I put it off, the more daunting it gets. So I'm just going in one room at a time, giving it all a once-over, and then getting a sandwich and heading home. I haven't made that drive in nearly a month, and I remembered how nice it is not to deal with some of the grossness at certain parts of the interstate. Though as I can't commute and can't get crash space for MarsCon, I'm gonna camp out in the Casa del ConScrew (rec. deceased) that weekend. And maybe I can make myself do stuff then, too.

So I picked up my mail, got it sorted, took note of which places need my forwarding address, and set to work on the living room this go 'round. The day before I left, I'd managed to spill Tide on the carpet. It left a blue stain, but now I can say it's the cleanest spot on the floor. Not much dusting or scrubbing to do in a room that's essentially carpet, so I vacuumed the whole place (besides some last-minute non-necessities that are going to thrift stores or other people anyway, the vacuum and some cleaning supplies are all I left there).

One thing I noticed while moving into the Still-Unnamed-New-Place is that empty rooms look smaller, not bigger. I remember being a bit frantic because the bedroom looked miserable and the den looked miserable and the office ... you get the idea. But once stuff got moved into the new place and out of the old, I got a better idea. And my main thought was:

'Fsck, I lived in that for four years?!'

Empty and dark (only kitchen and hall lights still there), I could see what I'd just left. I got a view of it on Moving Day, but not quite so strongly as I did yesterday. I'm not sure if it's because I've been in the new place for a bit or because I've just been deceiving myself horribly, but I just didn't want to be there.

I've noticed that the occasional guest (I'm not a hermit, I just can't stand groups under my roof for some reason) looks relieved as soon as they walk in. I've also noticed that my friends who would only come over if bribed now want to be there. And I mean, my bar is exactly the same size as it was before.

I can't wait 'til the cleaning's done and I never have to even approach that place again. Made me feel crawly.

If you have been, whew!

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