'... so he accidentally fired off his legs ...' by Kara
What vegetable loves you, yeah?
First: Carrot -- 14%
Spinach -- 3%
Uncreativity Penalty: As I was going for 'Ninjin loves you yeah' anyway, no points off for that. Give yourself +25 for intelligence.
* 'Amusing vegtable that you see printed in your local Anthmorpork Times': +20, Discworld; -5, misspelling to the extreme.
* 'Okra, because you just can't make good gumbo without it.': Don't like gumbo. -5. (Does this make me a bad person?)
* 'Broccoli. It loves me so much it reduces my risk of cancer.': Health, +10
* 'Sugar Cane. What? It's got no seeds, so it's obviously not a fruit.': Eh, that's not really right. But I like rum ... so +1.
* 'Daikon. Got one as a joke for Christmas... 14" long, 10" around. Yeah.': You don't need points. You've got everything you need.
* 'Pumpkin Scissors! Cucumber Holepunch! Avacado Stapler! Tomato Gluestick! ...Yes I know those are all technically fruits, but add in some tanks and it wouldn't matter!': +20 if you'll do the Lunatic Dance for me.
* 'Certainly not the ones I ate tonight. Darn you China...": You are Kami, and I claim my five pounds.
* 'Asparagus, possibly in an omelet with the leftover salmon....': Noooo ... no, dear God nooooooooooo. MINUS A BILLION.
Correct Answer: 'Vegetable love.. That's just wrong.... And 19.95 per month on my site.' I'm also gonna go out on a limb and say that belongs to the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair.
This new poll is very, very important. To some of us. If you have been, oh dear God.
Monday, November 24, 2008 at 9:43 AM
Poll box appears to actually be finally showing all the write-ins. Good.
Second: Potato -- 8%
Third: Corn -- 6%
All innuendo goes here -- 3%