Protip: Rant title defaults to YouTube username. by Kara
Good Lord.
Candy corn!
First: Ew. -- 11%
No opinion. -- 3%
Uncreativity Penalty: If your answer had the words 'gentlemen' and/or 'behold' in it, -5. Also -1 for an unexpected last-minute sweep of vampire uncreativity.
* '"Candy Corn.... Corn that tastes like candy. I can't wait.... G**D*****!!!"': Here ya go. Have a +10.
* 'I'm a bad person and only bite off the white top piece of the candy corn. I throw away the orange and yellow parts.': Okay, I eat them by colour, too, but you're throwing away the best part! -20. The 20 points now transfer to the following:
* 'I like to eat mine color by color, and get more excited than I should when I get one that's only 2 colors. :D'
* 'Only if you can prove that the candy corn is not Western Bourgeouisie candy corn. Does it support the revolution?': Sorry, candy corn will, in fact, revolutionize the world. Not as quickly as cross-dressing lesbians, but close. No points change hands, only vast knowledge.
* 'We have a love/hate relationship. I love the stuff, but it keeps giving me stomach aches.': +25 pity points because no one should be deprived of candy corn.
Correct Answer: 'Sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar'
See you at the con. Look for Ranka, Kona, or Mikoto. Or something with a K in it. If you have been, GO GO GO.
Friday, November 7, 2008 at 1:08 AM
Up late finishing stuff for tomorrow -- erm, today -- and since I got picked on LAST TIME for forgetting to do poll results before I left, I'll just do them now and then pass out and get some actual sleep before the con.
Second: Woo! / WHERE!?!? -- 9%
Third: I has a candy corm. -- 6%
Candy corn may well kill me. -- 3%
Sure, but not candy corn flavored stuff. -- 3%