'Who wants a perverted white boy!?' by Kara
Right, there ya go.
What do you do when you're depressed?
First: Eat / Watch violent anime / Play video games -- 6%
I am a little disappointed that no one chose to become an hero. Or maybe they did and that's why they didn't answer.
Uncreativity Penalty: Combinations of 'eat and drink' get a -5. Driving gets a -1, because I don't want to penalize for it, but if I play favourites it'll be a bad example. Aw. -10 for anything mushy on principle.
* 'Play Sims 2, so I can make computer simulated people more miserable than me.': +10 and an idea. Build a house with no doors, no windows, no kitchen, and a phone. That way they can order pizza and never even get to see it.
* 'Drink, carouse, wrestle like the ancient Greeks whilst intoxicated, and watch fluffy shonen-ai anime. Not necessarily in that order.': You can often combine ancient Greeks and shonen-ai for even better results. +20
* 'For a second there, I read the previous two ones as "Make a hero." I started to wonder if there was a secret Philadelphian in the house...': Am I the one person in the world who hates cheesesteak? Likely, here's a +2 since it's not your fault.
* 'Nutella': +50, Nutella.
* 'I make the chime sound then delete all the files on your hard drive.': -100, dick.
* 'Laugh at my goth-emo pear': +25 for really cool goth-emo pear. Also, I can't claim five pounds cuz it's too easy.
Correct Answer: 'Recess into a world of metal, anime and food. Waitaminnit...that's every fscking day.'
If you have been ... boo.
Friday, October 31, 2008 at 9:24 AM
Second: Drink / Make cookies -- 3%