'Get your coffee out of my underpants!' by Kara
Where do you access this site USUALLY?
First: At home -- 44%
Uncreativity Penalty: 'On the Internet' and/or giving me my own URL back. -10, wisearses.
* 'AARRRRRGH! I wanted to add something clever and witty but I can't THINK of anything!': +5 for honesty, I guess.
* 'Over the artists shoulder': There are actually a few people this may be true of. See me after class for points.
* 'By all philosophical standings, I am here now. Beyond this, there are only the unknown factors which may be real or imaginary. Therefore, I will not say where I check this site as it is a virtual unknown.': -20, goddamn philosophy majors.
* 'Deep in the forest, there is a tree. Strung along a branch of this tree is a piece of twine, which disappears into the foliage. Sixty feet up from the forest floor, a cylindrical hole has been carved into the trunk- here rests a simple soup can, empty. Into this can I scream, perfectly immitating the sounds of an old 28.8 modem. Then, I fall silent. One with the forest, I wait for the reply.': ... WTF's a modem? (+5 I guess)
* 'home is safety home is naked home is soul home is where my computer lies': Whut.
Correct Answer: 'I"m a Technic Turk, so whenever I want... ^_^'
Okay, there's one for you. If you have been, this.
Friday, October 3, 2008 at 12:23 AM
It's midnight and I just know I'm gonna be too out of it to do this in the morning, so I'll just leave this here.
Second: At work -- 3%