Wanna see the Eiffel Tower? by Mich
Last night was good for my soul (well, if I actually had posession of it) The above is one of the many pickup lines that came up in the conversation of three gay guys and two straight at Friendly's. 'Twas fun. (The Eiffel Tower would be a reference to Puppetry of the Penis by the way). The other popular one was "Want to make out with me a little bit?"
I love this cast, at least when I have to deal with a leprechaun, there'll be fun people around to chat with.
And I really did turn a beer stein into a table (it was a medium sized stein, sitting on the ground came up to my waist, good table height - the large ones are the ones I can fit into!)
And I'm so not doing my "If you have been" line this time 'round.
I am on my new computer, with my scanner and my other stuff. Didn't have to move my sound card, and I might actually be able to set Komatsu's old hard drive up as a slave drive. This computer is a Compaq - and so big and manly (and rocks both Chisaki and Komatsu) that I've named it Shibue. It's a boy computer.
I always have to have some kind of excuse to clean up my flat. Right now, it really helps that I have CDs and boxes strewn all around. I can't even walk anywhere. So that should be a decent part of the early day.
Other fun is gonna be replacing lost fansubs. Although much more conscientiously than I did on Komatsu. This has about sixty-five thousand gigs of space, but I'm still gonna use it carefully. Will have to go through my list and see what needs re-getting.
Back to the morning cleaning. If you have been, try not to get your hopes up just yet.
Sunday, March 26, 2006 at 8:41 AM
So these past few days have been intersting. I've been having the most bizarre series of dreams lately, but those are beside the point.
'Is it a really sexy couch? Maybe it's famous - like a porn star couch!' by Kara
Sunday, March 26, 2006 at 7:41 AM
Doot doo-doo doooooo!