Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'Sometimes for man passion, you must get in line!' by Kara
Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 12:31 AM

In about 12 hours, it'll be the end of an era.

Yup, the Casa del ConScrew will officially be relocating. In-state, even in-region, but still relocating. Oh, I can still get up here to take care of fiddly things before I hand over my key, but as of Monday morning I will be driving to work from the new place. Five minutes away.

Hence my ranting now, because while the computer will be one of the last things to go, I still want to get a word or two in before it travels. Cable/net guy is coming in Monday morning to get me all wired and whatsit, but there will be no lapse in things because I'm just that good. At the horrific worst, Kalibourne will have an omake, but I think everyone will deal. There will certainly be no lapse here! (As you can see.)

Well, as they say ... see you on the other side. I'll take pics. Cuz, yeah, I'm sure people care that much.

Oh God. My pets are seriously gonna lose their shit over this. Ha!

If you have been .......... o_O

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