Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

"Put that on your house and you would still go naught to 60 in under 5 seconds." by Mich
Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 7:34 AM

Mmm, like the artist I love the coming of fall. The cooler weather, the start of a sports season that I actually enjoy, my birthday and a few other things.

Of course this year, fall also meant the start of school. Not taking too many classes this semester, but it's still back to school for me. Nothing exciting yet, just some maths and CAD.

At any rate I'm not sure why I'm hope so early, but perhaps I'll take advantage of it and be productive.

The Mich moves!

'You don't call a boy by a female pronoun if you're not gonna tell 'im you love 'im!' by Kara
Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 1:20 AM

Tomorrow's a free day, and I'm glad of it. I mean, I can't think of a plausible reason for wanting to be at work when I don't have to be, but still. Not to say I don't really like my job ... I do, it's just ...

... shut up, Kara.

I should be putting less energy into talking about tomorrow being a day off work, though. More importantly, it's the first day of September, and when the hell did that happen? Once Otakon had come and gone, the month just sort of snuck out when I wasn't looking. Well, beginning of September means closer to fall ... and I like fall. And long-time readers know that I like fall because I like fall weather. So my main thing now is to make sure I don't get all over-eager for the temperature change. Because I will, given the opportunity.

Anime-viewing-wise, I'm now steaming through a backlog of CDs and DVDs that have just been lying around, awaiting my ability to manage my time better. Reading-wise, I realised I'm currently out of stuff and went and picked up Wizard and Glass so I could pick up where I left off on the Dark Tower series. I really do love those, though I'm not as familiar with Stephen King's other work. Though, as I'm reading and discovering that this is essentially the through-line connecting a lot of his other writing ... I sorta want to now. Erm. Eventually. The idea that threads of this plot are hidden in other otherwise unconnected books awakens in me that literary conspiracy theorist that's been convalescing at some remote seaside home since the last Lemony Snicket book came and went.

Also rather importantly, my air conditioner is no longer drooling on my carpet. If you have been, it's totally wow!

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