Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

If I had a rant, that would be my rant title by Mich
Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 11:42 AM

Well fuck and shit and even more fuck and shit.

See back in July, well mid-July so only two weeks really, some laptops were stolen from AB-C (Anheuser Busch Companies). Laptops that contained employee information, even past employees.

Ok, I sign up for the Equifax service that they've paid for and looked at my credit report. Except for some inquiries that happened before the theft, everything checks out.

And then I go out Fri and take advantage of the tax holiday thing. Well, first I go and get my eyes examined, then I do some shopping. Didn't really spend all that much, maybe $200 total (eye exam and a few other things).

Sat I get a call from my bank. They want to confirm my recent purchases because they seem rather odd. Um, ok. Yeah, I have my eye exam, my purchases Fri, some food purchases during the week, my school tuition, and oh, wait, $600 worth of charges at Home Depot.

In Connecticut.

Wait, I don't live in Connecticut, haven't been near a Home Depot in, well, awhile.


So now I can't access my bank account except going to the bank in person, but my craptastic temp job has me stuck at the job from 8-6. I'm going to have to hope I can sneak out during lunch so I can go and take care of this. Probably end up with a new account number even. Lovely.

And while it could be someone taking my number from a purchase I made (school tuition payment being the suspicious one) it's not too likely as most of my purchases have been split between debit and credit cards and the credit cards haven't had any false charges on them.

Yet, but I'm watching those with high paranoia.

The Mich frets

'I am Commander Cluck-Cluck, chicken king of this dream!' by Kara
Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 9:25 AM

In four days I leave for Otakon ... JAM Project concert is the following night. And now that they have finally posted the official time?

Hell yes. A three-hour concert. They're gonna seriously make this worth my time. And energy. And general disregard for my well-being. Rock on.

Yeah, no, I am talking about this a lot. On every rant. But I'm also massively excited (and surprised) about even having the ability to go. So I wanna enjoy that feeling for as long as I can.

Okay, this first one happened, sorry to say. But she's all right. Second one kinda happened, but I don't think we ever considered torturing her as much as that last one. I sort of like the (real) end result, anyway.

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