'If you don't watch TRON by August, I'm going to come over and stab you in the nuts.' by Kara
Dark Knight holds up after a second viewing, you'll all be glad to know. Gave it another watch last night with people who hadn't seen it. I should probably have gone to see Hellboy 2 or something else I haven't seen, but I wasn't exactly heartbroken over 'having' to see a good movie again. Depending on how I'm feeling, I may slip out to something on my own.
I had a rather bitchy rant, but I've deleted it. I'm noticing I like to spare people a bit more if it's something personal. If it's a bad driver, or industry stupidity, that's fine. But when it gets to be I-my-me, I've decided that it needs to be something really colossally bad to warrant screaming and yelling.
Not that that stops me anywhere else.
Little break between issues next week, as usual, and then off we go. You kids know the routine by now. If you have been, you're lucky.
Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:37 AM
Yup, end of this issue. Finally, Maive gets something she wants ... or, rather, something she earned. You know.