To be continued by Mich
In other news. Guitar Hero Aerosmith comes out today, and my room is a huge mess. So get the game (since I reserved it or whatnot), clean my room (and the cages), and then do some sewing and some playing.
And I'm super squeeing this week as I get to see one of my college friends that lives in NoVa on Sat. ^_^
The Mich cleans!
And I don't know what the deal is with the two-tailed lion thing. I'm sure I had a really clever origin for it when I first drew it, but in the end I just sort of like it. Despite its violent tendencies. It's just doing what comes naturally, after all.
I am very, very thankful for a four-day week this week. Very. I spent most of last week and weekend falling asleep randomly and falling behind, so I'm trying to be productive this weekend (hopefully you will notice at least a vague improvement in my art by next Sunday, as I've not been terribly happy with it anywhere over the last few days). Next weekend could involve productivity and rest, which would be very nice.
Somewhat connected to the previous paragraph, I do apologise if my artwork hasn't been up to snuff of late. Trust me, I see it a lot sooner and more clearly than pretty much anyone else ... and while I'm on the ball enough to keep up (would I ever not?), I'm trying to get even more on the ball enough to keep things actually looking good. Bear with me, please -- I think I'm getting there.
If you have been, it's cute.
Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 10:22 AM
Because I sat there cursing them at the end of the latest Who that I will not discuss here for the poor folks who are watching it on Sci Fi instead of downloading it.
'You're pulling out God's brain cores?' 'Of course not. I'm a good Christian.' by Kara
Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 12:08 AM
So I've used a very similar composition to that silhouette panel elsewhere. That is, in another comic. Hell. If Yoko Kanno can self-plagiarise, so can I. (Mitigating factor being that she does it well, of course, so I'm not sure I get off the hook quite so easily.)