Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'You say ONE thing at a bar in Jersey, and it haunts you for the rest of your life.' by Kara
Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 9:48 AM

Hurrah! Bryan Prindiville is using something I sent him as a Photo of the Week -- and pimping my site while he does. Go caption my photo of awesome.

On the one hand, I really want to vent about health issues. A lot. Again. On the other, it's gotten to the point where it's so seriously that I really can't. Even saying one thing about it that's new goes beyond what I'd promised myself I'd keep between people I really really know. I think that's a big part of the frustration. My health hasn't always been hot, but it was on a level where I could bitch (and even joke) about it in public.

Now it seems like there's something new every day or every other day, and the most I can say is that there is something new (and hell, sometimes I wonder if even that could be pushing it). I should probably be giving a bit more cred to the Co-Writer with the Longest Hair, whose new mantra with me whenever I get embarrassed about this seems you be 'Do what ya gotta do.' Well, that and that apparently I've more than earned the right to bitch. As I told him, I'd love to get to the point where people can tell me (legitimately) to shut up because I haven't got all that much to whine about. I'm actually a bit annoyed that I have the right.

At any rate, my plan for tonight is probably to pick up my own Guitar Hero and some earbuds in the early evening -- gotta have something for the waiting rooms -- and go slip off to see the new Hulk movie on my own. Oddly, I'm in the mood to see movies alone of late.

If you have been, pics or it didn't happen.

"You know, you're really cute, but unfortunately you're made of meat." by Mich
Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 9:17 AM

A week later and I still feel like I'm recovering from the con in so many little ways.

'nuther Guitar Hero comes out today. For the DS. This bodes badly for me and proper use of time. And Aerosmith Guitar Hero coming out next week? Yeah, I'm doomed.

Top Gear starts tonight, whoooo! As Doctor Who starts to wind down *twitch*

And you know what? I really have nothing else to say here.

The Mich plays!

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