Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

Try to avoid getting arrested, if you can. We'd feel bad. by Mich
Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 7:09 AM

Today boys and girls, we're going to listen to me rant about a peeve of mine.

Kara and I go to a few cons together, and it's an interesting time, especially with some of her fans.

I don't really care if you don't know who I am, I mean I only work on one comic with Kara, and that's really the only reason any readers would be interested in me. It does bug me and strike me as incredibly rude when I'm talking to her and you cut me off mid-sentence to talk at Kara. No, not talk to and hold a conversation with, but talk AT.

But in the long run, it's only a minor annoyance.

No, what really bugs me is the people who just assume that they're Kara's best friend, when obviously they're not. By this I mean people who just assume that they're welcome to just come to OUR room (because we're not rich, so we share the cost of a room, thus the room too) just to talk to Kara, or presume that if we have brought alcohol, that they can just come up and drink with us.


Sometimes we bring some drinks and we invite our friends (namely the ones we never see, like the wonderful publishers) for a few drinks. Occasionally Kara will throw a room party of sorts, but it is INVITE ONLY, and if Kara's sharing the room with someone (cause it's not always me, I can't be at everything) she won't invite people that her room mate won't want there.

It hasn't been a huge problem lately, there are the random people that we didn't invite, but usually, if an invitee wants to bring someone, they either try to introduce us to them before said gathering, or at least talk to us about it before just showing up with a stranger in tow.

But fans are becoming more oblivious and rabid these days. More than one has commented on just coming up to join Kara for a drink, or attempted to invite themselves along to some other gathering (Luna-C stuff, meals, etc) and that assumption that they'll be welcome angers me.

And I'm not nice when I'm angry.

Remember that, I'm not only the costumer and the drinker, but I'm also the one that Kara threatens to set on people when she's really mad at them.

The Mich sharpens her teeth.

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