Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'Armed penicillin robbery for the win.' by Kara
Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 6:58 AM

So I finished the second Dark Tower Friday night, and A Wizard Abroad Saturday, somewhere between costumery. I am proud to say that I finally finished hand-sewing (i.e., essentially creating) a patch on one sleeve of an older costume ... and now I'm moving on to the last one I need for this upcoming weekend.

Eek, I just got pre-con prickles.

Also, I love dressing down to go shopping and picking up $80 worth of booze at one shot, and watching the frat boys in line behind me with a bottle of Smirnoff each go 'Dayum ...'

Right now, however, my new love is Give Us a Break, a show so old that the video it was encoded from rolls in several spots. It's a gift from some of the members of my particular Fan Messageboard Full of Middle-Aged Ladies (I'm convinced more and more people belong to those and don't admit to it), seeing as it features Paul McGann at the age of about six eighteen. Also, it is about snooker. Also also, it stars Robert Lindsay as well, which pretty much squares the awesomeness of it. I won't recommend it because you won't be able to find it unless you're my buddy or something. But it's gotten me through several hours of sewing.

Between now and then, there's Valentine's Day. Blah. One friend is spending it at a war museum, and I will likely spend it packing for the con while putting on something appropriately anti-romantic in the background. Spring Awakening sounds good.

If you have been, you can call me Al.

"Do you honestly think that I am going to put up with a small diesel hatchback just so that I can have a golden cock?" by Mich
Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 12:18 AM

London! It's mostly properly cold, well if the 50s are cold enough for you. Still, better than the 70s I left behind.

Flight had a little trouble. The flight before mine arrived late, delaying our flight by 30 minutes (no biggie, BA is great at making up lost time), that then turned into a 2 hour delay while engines were maintenanced.

Still, BA (as usual) turned a 7 hour flight into a 6 hour one, and despite a two hour delay to takeoff, we only arrived 45 minutes later than scheduled.

Oh, and coach class was empty enough that everyone got there own row that they could lie down in! Best sleep I ever got on a plane, was out from dinner to breakfast.

The room is kept warmer than my liking, 16 (60)! I don't even keep my apartment that warm, though admittedly it may be because it feels more like 90 in here, whereas I'd like to set the temp in here to closer to 13 or 14.

Anyways, time to wake up the Co-writer with the Most Books, and eat!

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