What is the American way? Bigger is better...extra cheese is better... by Mich
I wasn't really going anywhere with that.
Kara returns to this side of the pond today. A little later than planned with a flight delay, but nonetheless, she is returning. I'm glad, her guinea pigs have started to take out their nervousness by chewing on me - not my clothes, but my skin. Fairly annoying.
Course now I'm getting ready for my own trip across the pond...in February. Mostly I'm wondering if I can't fit everything I need into my carry-on and my laptop case (this includes an extra piece of luggage for books). Mostly it leaves me thinking I may want to get a hold of some of those space bags. The kind that roll instead of needing to have the air sucked out of them.
And I've just lost a contact, so away I go.
The Mich is blind!
Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 7:26 AM
That's right, the American way sounds like something originating in Texas. No longer is it the whole rags to riches bit (which according to some sources is impossible these days, but I'm too tired to care) - nope, the American way has become super sizing.