"Wow, I can honestly say I've NEVER seen an exploding penis on a tv show before!" by Rob
Now I could chalk the latter up to my recently more-active-than-usual lifestyle, but this started some time before that, nearer the end of last year. It hasn't been totaly detrimental as I've still been able to carry on with the average (and even some above average) comings and goings of everyday life. Just, when I would do something strenuous I would get winded easier...become tired without realy pushing myself too hard...things like that. And even though I'm getting on in years, I still think I'm in pretty damn good shape. Even if my left arm hurts for some mysterious reason on and off....
So after visiting the Good Doctor, he sent me for a battery of blood tests and a chest x-ray to see if all was working good with the innards. The blood results came back with a slightly higher than it should be cholesterol level (128 when I should be at about 120, probably due to the fact that I don't watch ANYTHING that I put into my mouth...I just eat) so I'll work on paying attention to that more.
But the big news is....drumroll please....
Minor Hyper-extention of the lungs! Tah dah! Now, What that means is that my lungs aren't quite snapping back into shape like they should be. Probably due to a number of influences , least of which I'm sure isn't that I've had asthma since I was a kid. So I've been put on medications and told to report back if I don't see any changes in the next few weeks. Hopefully it wont be an issue by then and I can get back to my Tae Kwon Do practice and not worry about being short on breath and energy.
So there you have it folks...medical update for me ...now let's hope that's the last one for a while.
Now I just have to worry about getting this foam in order for AMA....muhahahahahahaha
Resistance is Excelsior!!!!
Neo-Vader III
I understand that Co-Writer's in the midst of writing something. Whether he will post it before or after I'm done is anyone's guess, as I'm doing this about half-assed at the moment and I think he's got actual useful things to say.
If he's ranting, that's pretty much a safe bet.
So I'm returning to my chocolate chip scone and my blackberry soda ... and hoping to God I can shake off yesterday morning's crappiness. If you have been, KONNICHIWA!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 1:45 PM
So I've made several trips to the doctors over the last week or so to 1) get re-established with a Dr. who takes my new insurance and 2)to find out why the hell I'm so damn tired and worn out lately.
'Arrr! Be ye in th' knowledge o' Michael Phelps?' by Kara
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 1:32 PM
Yestermorning could have been a better morning. By far. This morning was, marginally. That's all on that, but it also serves as an excuse for why my rant is rather on the late side. Though I've been getting worse about that.