'Nope, nothing can un-gay Boq.' by Kara
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 9:26 AM

Sore fingers. No reason for it. Sore fingers on my drawing hand, naturally.

Co-Writer knows I've been having some of the worst several days on record. Everything from being in the middle of fights to having to spend large unexpected amounts of money to various injuries, to the point that even the tiniest, least significant things just add rather nastily to the pile. After having to go to the doctor yesterday and still having to hit the grocery store, I was feeling not downtrodden at this point, but still rather spat on.

So imagine how much it cheered me to find a blue Neon in my spot when I arrived home.

Allow me to explain.

I've mentioned this before the move, but there are only two truly unfixable problems with my new place: no large storage closets, and limited parking. All spots are numbered, with a handful of guest spots that generally get eaten up by all the two-car families around here. On the rare occasions I invite someone over, I go out of my way to find a guest spot early and move Goldy so all is legal and my guest is assured of somewhere to park. I don't take numbered spots, even if I think the flat is vacant.

I'd left one light on in my all-purpose/guest room before I left, accidentally (God forbid I leave a bigger carbon footprint than the crater I already have), so it should've been obvious that my flat is not vacant. Nonetheless, suddenly, a car.

Okay. I'm grumpy, I'm limping, it's raining, and the dark cloud over my head has not yet left and my attempts at unwinding on Saturday were thwarted. For the past few days, the shit that has happened to me is shit I've had zero control over. Stuff that's either gonna have to pass or that's out of my hands at this point. So I parked Goldy behind the interloper and went in to make dinner. If they wanted to leave, they'd have to come to me to ask me to move, and then the culprit would have to look me in the eye. Fair's fair.

As I'm nukerowaving cooking something for myself, I remember seeing something to that effect. Hang on ... I dive into my office wastepaper basket where I chuck most flyers since they're about the pool opening or new carpets on the hall stairs, and ... hey, I was right, there is a note telling people not to do this. And a number for the towing company that handles such things.

I shouldn't be happy about this. I shouldn't. I should not enjoy 1) inconveniencing someone else even if I am in the right, or 2) just doing my job as a rent-paying resident. I should not have been hopping around in my chair hoping and praying that the owner of the car wouldn't make it outside before the truck came, and I should not have been giggling (with lightning cracking overhead) as I watched said car being taken the fuck away.

But seriously. This is the first thing in a week and a half that's happened to me that I've had some control over. So fuck yes I'm going to be happy.

Amazingly? My tyres were not slashed this morning and there was no passive-aggressive note on my windshield. Perhaps this will be a good day.

Or, bare minimum, a day where something truly shitty doesn't happen.

If you have been, that's that.

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