'I mean, I knew he was like arrested and imprisoned for sodomy, BUT I THOUGHT SODOMY WAS A WHITE COLLAR CRIME LIKE EMBEZZLING.' by Kara
Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 10:24 AM

Went to Dancing with Our Stars thing in Norfolk last night. It was fun. Food was free. Drinks were free. My mother didn't win anything, but she also went first, so I knew right away she was gonna be judged low no matter how she did. And putting my bias aside, she really was quite good. There's whispers of favouritism. Favouritism? At an upscale charity event? Surely not!

Whatever, it was sold out, raised the kind of money it was supposed to, and my mother had fun -- the main thing.

I didn't feel quite as out of place there as I thought I might, but I think in a big part that's because there was a performance going on and I could keep my eyes glued on that. But the gauzy cheongsam dealie I had (my only nice dress anymore ... I just don't go places) was definitely the odd one out in that crowd. Hope everyone else was as distracted by the dancing as I was.

Anyroad, I'm only a little tired, but I still plan to stay in today -- or if I do go somewhere, it's just gonna be to a friend's house to do very little. I had something going almost every evening this week. If you have been, THIS.

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