'Go take a shower. I've gotta kill this guy with a witch in his face.' by Kara
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 10:00 AM

First off today, thank God. I knew it was relatively low-risk surgery, but even so I'm glad to hear definite news.

Secondly, look who's back! I sorta see these two as a benchmark of the evolution of my art. You see them so rarely that when you do, there's always some sort of noticeable difference. I really hope it's a positive one. Course, the day my art starts regressing over the past eight years is the day I [indefinite statement of self-harm]. So yeah.

My life remains unexciting. I am, however, going to see Watchmen tomorrow night. I bought the ticket online not because I'm concerned about them being sold out, but because that way I have no excuse to put it off. If you have been, I don't believe it.

'Now let me show you my GREATEST muscle!' by Rob
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 9:07 AM

Well, since others have been regaling us with thier dreams via the box *that little thing off to the right* I figure since I finaly had a pretty messed up one, I should share. You have been warned.

Inauguration day. Don't ask me why I was involved *secretly , I think it has something to do with the Sakura Festival I'm supposed to be a part of* but I was there. Not only was I there...I was WITH Obama as he waited for his entrance. Apparently we were doing some sort of art display with people to show the beauty of humanity and honesty, integrity and shit, you know....all that stuff they're big into on capital hill. But not only that, we were waiting in some tower that had been erected on the Mall. Some small structure, only enough room in it for us performers and the prez, plus his guards. It was simply a small fairytale style room at the top of a wooden and round base, maybe 50 feet tall. It was a pretty shoddy structure, and I felt it sway in the breeze once or twice. Cause I'm SURE the security detail would have let that pass....

At one point while we were all waiting, I looked past another performer to see the bulding sweying dangerously. At that point is when we realised that it was going over. We all floated for a sec as we fre-fell, and it tumbled down, no real injurys, and we picked ourselves up to the sounds of his security franticaly trying to get a grip on the situation. I remember hearing him say eloquent things like 'Shit ! Damn! Goddamn, Who's idea was THIS!?' as he dusted himself off. His detail was telling him the plan was scrapped and he replied with a very presidently 'FUCK that noise! We're going on like planned!' Somehow I can see him saying this backstage if things went wrong ...I don't know....

So we moved to a staging hallway in the theater like setting *don't ask me where there's an theater on tha Mall* and waited for our turn. Now it REALY gets messed up.

That's when we start to take out clothes off. Apparently this is supposed to be a show in which the innocence and purity of man is symbolised with ...that's right...us being naked! So I roll up my clothes with the rest and carry them in a bundle in my hand. *that seems rather ...unprofessional in my opinion, but hey, it's a dream* Then we get our cues and walk into the theater single file to stand on stage , while doing so...somehow a boot looses itself from my roll and clatters down the ramp to the stage *so much for professional*. We make it on and take our places just in time for the President to make his entrance.....

.....Cue the alarm clock. What the hell?

Resis....I cant even say what the hell! What the FUCK!??

Neo-Vader III

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