'Hikaru has measles and Minmay has typhoid. At this rate, Roy will be the only one to get to Oregon.' by Kara
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 10:23 AM

Sunday night was a very long night for me. So was last night, though for different reasons. I'm just glad it's for actual life reasons and not because of insomnia. The actual life reasons are being taken care of and will hopefully not involve all-nighters by later in the week.

Katsucon is looming like a big looming thing, and now that I'm enough over my bronchitis cocktail (fingers crossed) to be productive, I've gotta actually get back on things. I've got things to make, things to memorise, and it's gonna be fun working it all out. Granted, Katsu is gonna be hella special for me this year, and I'm almost looking forward to the stress. Why? Because the stress is related to something interesting, and I like interesting.

Put it this way: I'll be doing one thing I've never done before, and one thing I haven't done in years.

I know Co-Writer is busy in other ways. I was in his position a bit over a year ago, and I envy him for some of it and don't envy him for the rest of it. Well, after Katsucon I'm just gonna envy him completely.

Oh, and both our birthdays are next month, so start preparing. You know what kind of stuff we like.

If you have been, damn you.

'Wear you like a pair of Galoshes?...." by Rob
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 10:22 AM

Well, this weeks started out swell.

So far I've hurt my kneck, putting me out of class yet again, nearly run off the road about three times on the way to work this morning due to snow, and now, either the stuffed peppers I had last night for dinner didn't agree with me or I've caught a touch of the stomach virus my girlfriend had all weekend...because I've been running back and forth to the bathroom all morning. Wee!!

I can't believe that Katsu and my trip are only three weeks off now. It still seems like I have a lot to do, but hopefully I'll get it all done.

After that it's time to buckle down and start getting rid of some bills that are piling up.

Woah! THERE'S the snow we were supposed to get last week....

Resistance is ...uoh...hold that thought....

Neo-vader III

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