'Double...Bustah....COLLIDAAAHHH!!!!' by Rob
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 3:11 PM

Well, it's been a busy time in Rob land.

New years went well, I hope yours did too. we had far too many people in our house to pass fire code, gallons of alchohol was consumed, Rock Band was played...and played...and played.... and cheers and roars of laughter *and a few screams* were heard through the block, but we came out alive. It was a fun party and I'm glad I got to see some folks there. Some of which I haven't seen in ages. SO, here's to a new year ...lets hope it's a good one.

The car saga continues. The Aspire has new tires on the way as we speak, so once that's done I hope to get the last of the other things done all at once. The FC...it can wait. So let's hope its all done before the inspections due at the end of the month. *crosses fingers*

It wouldn't be so big an issue if it weren't for me trying to go to Japan next month. that's right , the time is ripe for me to jet off to the land of the rising sun. Now let's just hope that there are no more unexpected monetary emergencys so that I CAN go. I have plenty of people I can meet up with/crash with over there...and one in particular is prodding me to go while he's still there.

I'll be using my tax money to pay for the ticket there....and then I'll have to be a very good boy to make sure I'm on top of my bills from that point on. I want to start chipping away at them.

I'll have to bring my new laptop to document my trip if I go...

Well, let's hope 2009 is a good year for Kali as well....goddamn...3 years? I can hardly believe it.

Resistance is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

'Yes, but you can't tie someone to a tub ...' by Kara
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 8:35 AM

So one of my New Year's resolutions (which I don't actually make, I just say I do at random points throughout January) is -- once again -- to take care of health issues as soon as they come up. So I'm getting a good start. Doctor's appointment today. Unfortunately, this doctor is still up in Williamsburg, whilst I am not. So it's a bit of a haul ... but this is the sort of inconvenience I can put up with.

God I love Lu Fei. And Hailey. They were originally my pet characters that I wanted in the comic quite badly, but Co-Writer's run with them and they're turning out great.

This is really arbitrary, but I'm tired and don't care. I want to know why people outside Japan don't do soup for breakfast.

When I went shopping this weekend for breakfast food (another resolution -- actually eat properly now that I have the time), I walked past a little area full of miso soup packets and thought, You know, there's a ton of people out there who think this is an important part of breakfast. Let's give it a go. That and I like my miso.

I'm not gonna say it's OMGBRILLIANT, but it kinda adds something to the mundane breakfast. Gives the whole concept of the meal a little more substance. And is also quite tasty first thing in the morning. (Oh, and cheap.) What the hell, I'll go with it.

Which reminds me, it's getting cold. If you have been, haw haw.

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