'Kara learns tactical superiority: Or, "Oh, so THAT'S what Zeorymer's map attack looks like ..."' by Kara
Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 10:01 AM

Making yourself hungry while drawing really isn't cool. 'Specially when I go back and see the page again before I rant. First thing in the morning. Thanks a lot, Co-Writer.

So my computers both at work and at home are getting smarter and more aggressive than yours crawly. Last night I came home, and it had rather obligingly shut itself off after running updates on itself. I understand that it must restart for the updates to take effect, but rather than asking and then putting a timer on your response (or not asking at all), it should at least take into account that maybe I'd like to come home, check e-mail, and get in touch with people first. You know, instead of futzing around with waiting for the thing to decide it wants to turn on ... then if it decides it wants to run all its startup programs properly ...

And this morning, my monster here did the same. The bitch of it? As soon as I restart after an update, it says it has more. Well, hell.

I was just mentioning my old Mac Classic that I still have ... sometimes I long for those days, where the worst thing that could happen was the flying toasters showing up in negative on your screensaver.

If you have been, tolerate it.

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