'I've already given you the two-dollar treatment. You're not worthy of a full-on Grinching!' by Kara
Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 11:11 AM

Now, I like to think I'm pretty tolerant of things. I can take some pretty tasteless jokes and even laugh at them. Hell, I can tell some pretty tasteless stuff. But this morning ... this morning, someone just went too far. It was disgusting, it was tasteless ... and most of all, it was too soon.

That's right. I saw a Christmas commercial this morning.

Now it's been around. At the drugstores, at Cracker Barrel, just sort of lurking. When Co-Writer came down and we went to Walgreen's, there were snowmen over the allergy medication aisle. Just snowmen really, Nothing particularly Christmas-y about them. Annoying, a little unnerving, but not truly worrisome. We went on our way without thinking about it too hard.

Things stayed pretty calm after that. Again, not too bothered. We had Howl-O-Scream to set the mood, Halloween-y stuff in general ... at work, I've had election coverage (bleh) to worry about, and so even Thanksgiving stuff wouldn't come up 'til 5 November when all that mess could come down officially. Yeah, I do have to get Chrimbo/Hannukah stuff squared away by the day after Thanksgiving, but that's fine, I can start that in the middle of the month. So even work, where I get things done in advance, was benign.

Then I woke up this morning. 1 November. I leave the TV on Nick at Nite when I go to bed because I find it very hard to sleep without some sort of low noise. This means I wake up to Spongebob on occasion. I flailed around for the remote so I could at least switch to TBS and possibly catch Hook or Three Men and a Baby or something. But as I reached for it ...

I heard a Christmas carol.

Followed by news of a Christmas sale at the mall.

And inside, I screamed. Because ... that's just beyond distasteful. That's beyond rude and disgusting. It is TOO SOON. It's just too bloody soon, and I can't handle it.

The worst part of it? I have to go to Walgreen's today. I think I may have to take someone with me. Because ... because I'm just not sure I can handle this alone.

On to something less frightening. Gareth Cameron Graham of Comedity and his muse have officially closed up shop on said project and moved on ... to a fine-looking new project called Finder's Keepers. This one looks like it'll be gorgeous -- and there's already ten pages of prologue and two pages of colour updates, so jump right on. And tell 'em Kara sent ya.

Enjoy your wallpapers. I'm gonna go cry in a corner now.

If you have been, Merry Chri GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!

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