'Because we can't have the blind leading the ... carrot.' by Kara
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 9:32 AM

Well, it's my turn to get sick. I know I'm not sick off Co-Writer because it's awfully late for that. Also, I only plan to be sick for maybe two days tops. I'd like it to only last for 24 hours, but I'm giving myself some wiggle room. Thus, I will be fine on Thursday no matter what.

See ... you've gotta plan ahead for these things.

Hey, look, there's Tali! He's been up there the whole time, it's just ... you know, a little more action going on down on the ground. Tali is very patient. He doesn't mind that we haven't been looking at him, I'm sure.

I've been saying it on rants since Sunday, but it bears saying again -- I bloody love Howl-O-Scream. We missed it last year, but this year, despite Co-Writer getting the shit kicked out of him cosmically, we managed it. I really hope the inBev deal falls through, or at least that the worst-case scenario doesn't happen, so Busch Gardens doesn't change or go away. Because as much as I love that place, it's during HOS that I remember how much I love it.

Seriously, though, they need to start paying Co-Writer, because he appears to think he works there.

I'm holding off on buying another season's pass 'til I know exactly what's gonna happen, but I'm already ready to go again. Too bad the season's over.

Back to why we're all here -- is Gwen's training gonna pay off? What's gonna happen? Do you remember things from said training? Let's see how well you've been paying attention. If you have been ... blugh.

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