'What rhymes with that, though?' 'Pheasant plucker? Big rig trucker? Apple Pucker?' by Kara
Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 9:55 AM

Tomorrow is Shore Leave, so those who are going, please come see Luna-C's Friday night show. We're an hour earlier than usual. Co-Writer and I are in it per usual, and we promise much Doctor Who, Firefly, and Harry Potter humour. And, erm, some other stuff. Probably me stripping and Co-Writer getting the shit kicked out of him, because that's pretty much par for the course.

So tonight will consist of errand-running, packing, and the usual attempt to get things done for the weekend because I won't wanna do them Sunday night. Oh, and an appointment today. Yes, another one.

Listening to the R5 Central archives (because I fail), I just remembered that Mike actually did some Kali spots for it. Like, himself. I remember hearing and approving, but -- well, you know, mind like a steel sieve. So about two years late ... if you came here via R5, thank you! I'm hoping I (possibly we, who knows) will get to help out Mike sometime in the near future. Once I've got new recording equipment squared away and set up. Otanoshimini.

If you have been ... ningen sucker?

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