"I made Lucky Boo-Barms!" 'Sounds like some kinda plague!?' "They're magicaly contagious!" by Rob
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 3:23 PM

I dub today official 'Screamin' for Vengance' day. For those not in the know, it's the first album that Rock Band has put out and it is none other than Judas Preists same titled record from 1982. The dowload started when I got home and is done already. A paltry 1200 points.

I know what we'll be doing tonight. As soon as our drummer is out of Jail *IE work* then we'll be able to jam only one person short. Will have to wait till sunday to truly have the band rockin'

In the meanwhile, I'll hit the German widowmaker in my formula one car on GT4. Should make for an interesting day.

Maybe lucks starting to turn around...

Resistance is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

'Who puts MAYONNAISE on PIZZA, and DON'T SAY ELEVENS!!!!' '... Elevens.' by Kara
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 6:21 AM

On the way to work this morning, there were three separate traffic jams on the highway. All three had to do with unmarked cars pulling people over and writing tickets and generally asking if they knew how fast they were going, son. No wrecks, not even a fender bender. Nothing in the middle of the road. And one was on the other side of the highway.

I mean, yes it was raining, and yes I understand that water falling from the sky is a very frightening thing, but for God's sake.

Eh, I make this rant too much. I don't know why I still bother.

Speaking of that, though ... my court date has been changed yet again. Now it's the Monday after AMA. That's a month later. And it wasn't even my idea. I wonder how long I can keep this up.

Also, in my rarely touched-upon Fascinating Body file ... I'm fascinated with watching skin grow back over a burn. It's very sci-fi. (Yes, a gross first-degree burn between my fingers on Saturday. Fortunately, doing a first-aid special feature at work refreshed my memory on what to do in such situations.) This is the only downside of my new tea maker that I've experienced so far.

In spite of everything, finally, Co-Writer is dependable. Damnably so. Thanks, man.

If you have been, ew.

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