'God, what the hell does my watch want NOW?' by Kara
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at 6:09 AM

Well, it's ConScrew's 7th anniversary ... which basically means it's my 7th anniversary as a webcomicker. Is that cool or is it sad? Honestly, I'm not gonna think about it.

And no, no April Fool-i-ness. One, we're in the middle of something of an arc right now; two, I suck at it (although I imagine Co-Writer would have some mad sweet ideas). However, may I direct you to Virgle. Google always shows massive brilliance on 1 April, and this one is probably their best yet. I mean, they bloody got YouTube and Richard Branson on board. If only I had a webcam ...

So, seriously. So much ranting happens on the 'box lately that I'm sure most people don't actually see it (except our regular crowd ... yes, we have a regular crowd). So you likely missed what happened to me on Sunday.

My g'rents love family-owned-albeit-generic Italian restaurants. We have one or two we hit fairly regularly (as in any time they want to go out) and, don't get me wrong, they're good. So I was all excited when they said they'd be up in the 'burg and hey, we haven't gone out for dinner together in a while, let's try this place we haven't been before.

It was a family-owned-albeit-generic Italian restaurant.

Now, I'd heard good things about it, don't get me wrong. It's just I was hoping for a bit of a bigger change. We went anyway. And hey, it was pretty good. We all shared an appetizer (which was good) and a salad (which was ... well ... a generic Italian restaurant salad). Then we got our separate entrees.

Mine tasted ... interesting. Not 'off' enough to call the waiter over, but still enough that I remembered after the fact. 'After the fact' being getting rather ill a few hours later at home.

Yesterday morning I felt fairly decent and came in to work. But when I tried to get myself some lunch, it didn't go over too great.

I think 'food poisoning' might be a bit of an overused phrase. The fact that it's apparently won Best Italian Restaurant in the World Ever for six hundred years straight also made me a hair hesitant to leap on it in anything but casual snarky conversation. But I hauled myself to the doctor yesterday afternoon nonetheless.

Rah. Food poisoning, indeed.

Yes, I did manage to eat (a little) last night. Yes, I think I'm pretty much fine (all that's left is a lingering sleepiness). Yes, I am calling the manager to complain.

Incidentally, the restaurant is Sal's by Victor on Richmond Road in Williamsburg. Just for the record.

If you have been, BLAAAAUGH!!!! (... anataaaa ...)

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