'I walk, let’s be splendid about this, in a lightly scented cloud of gorgeousness that isn't far short of being simply terrific.' by Kara
Thursday, March 6, 2008 at 6:37 AM

I think we decided on +1 for car posts, but nothing for retard driver stories.

So ever since my ticket (and I've gotten my court date pushed around so I can gather up as much as possible to try and get it lowered to just plain speeding), I've been a bit of a paranoid driver. Not an old-lady driver, mind, but I have no desire to be nicked again and/or involved in an accident so long as that big yellow piece of paper is unattended to. Basically, a legal driver, or at least just this side of legal. You know, that 5 MPH above the speed limit they tend to give you. And I do not do this in the fast lane. Nor do I cut people off unless they're going 50 or something.

I drove past the spot where I was pulled over, and saw that a cop (likely the same one ... is he really that hard up?) had pulled over a Jeep. Not ten seconds later, some cock in an Olds -- I shit you not -- goes around me and cuts me off.

Oh, okay, someone cut me off. Get over it, right?

No, no. He went onto the right shoulder to get around me.

He went onto the right SHOULDER to get around me.

Right the hell up the road from a (granted, otherwise occupied) cop. Quite probably the same cop who pulled me over for reckless driving.

I really wished to God I could run up the side of the road, grab him by the collar, and go, 'Look! THAT!!! THAT is reckless fscking DRIVING! While YOU'RE making quota, arsemonkeys like THAT are ACTUALLY about to get people killed!!!'

But I don't live in that world.

If you have been, feck.

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