'Can I be your mommy?' by Kara
I just like the look on Kezja's face in this page. This'll prolly be the most emotional you'll see her get for aWHILE. I mean, a LONG while. Place your bets on how long.
Too tired to write anything else.
I've got nothing really important to say today. Thanksgiving/Christmas rant is being moved elsewhere. It got too long.
Got to see the Harry Potter movie. Dressed up and all. Very nice.
Little things that bothered me, but it was pretty. For fitting the book into nearly 3 hours, well done. Some kind of important tidbits got left out. Some just got hinted at and you never really got the depth of some things.
Ah well.
However, Durmstrang staff? WANT!
And hopefully Kara and one of our mutual friends can go and see it in IMAX Wed....
Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 3:26 PM
I've returned from selling books and partying with rock stars. And now I'm going to try and recover before work tomorrow.
Bird Flu by Mich
Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 8:01 AM
Ah, well according to an email from a supervisor, I've suffered from bird flu ^_~ I can assure you all I shall survive, though things could get messy.