Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

'And I saw tentacles, and you know what? That was all.' by Kara
Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 9:57 AM

I've put together a new method of to-do-ing, and I think it's helping. At least, I hope so, because my inability to Just Sit Down and Do Things is getting ridiculous.

This weekend is almost over ... next weekend is my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary (which doesn't monopolise the whole weekend, just saying), and after that is Shore Leave. My arse is getting soundly kicked.

However, I've been a good girl and mailed out books (finally!) and taken care of a few various other things. So maybe I can continue that trend today. The thing I really want to do is get back to working on a costume I've been neglecting. Sigh.

If you have been, DRINK!

Just see if I worship you again! by Mich
Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 8:46 AM

Ooof, hot summer weather does not for a happy Co-Writer make. We've already hit heat indexes of 105 if I remember the calls correctly. Still, at least the park I'm in has shade. The water park down the way doesn't really, but then there's really no reason for me to be there for work.

And there's the World Cup game that I'm going to miss the end of thanks to work. Yes, bizarrely enough I am following the World Cup (cheering England of course), but then I follow American Football too.

And alas, I think it's time for me to get ready for the whole work thing. Maybe I can manuever my way into an AC venue for the day. Unlikely, but I can hope.

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