Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

..... by Kara
Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 1:34 AM

Sorry, I just finished reading the last Dark Tower book and I'm not sure I'm in a rant-titling mindset. It's just my mind's kind of been blown, ye ken, and I'm probably going to spend the next eight hours sitting in a corner sort of looking dazed.

What the fuck.

Seriously, what the fuck.

I liked it -- it is weird to say I liked the ending, given a) the reaction you're witnessing and b) the fact that apparently it was not well received by closed-minded readers who only understand happily-ever-after endings a whole lot of people. I'm really not sure how to explain how the same ending can strike me as good and right (because it is right in a weird way) while simultaneously pissing me off and making me want to bash my head against a wall.

Though I think that was the intended effect.

Just ... fuck, man. I've read some damn good books lately, but this is the first series that's put me on a proper emotional roller-coaster. This last book made me cry -- like literally put down the book and cry -- on four separate occasions. And, well, see above. Yeah, it was pretty much the ultimate Long Strange Trip for all parties involved (characters, reader, and judging by the fact that the last page had the dates '1970-2004' at the bottom, the author). I wonder how many people hate sai King for this ending. Not nearly as many as hate him for saying Stephanie Meyer can't write for shit, I'm sure.

I really hope that any time I end a writing project, I have it in me to do something that ballsy. If it's the right thing to do, I mean.

Having another big long series dropped in front of me to read soon, which should be interesting. Aside from that, I'm going to add to my bedtime prayers every night that they NOT GODDAMN MAKE ANY SORT OF SCREEN ADAPTATION OF THIS SERIES. Please for the love of God.

If you have been ... WHAT?!?!!?

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