'Dammit, they're supposed to be f*ck-ME boots, not f*ck-my-FRIEND-boots!' by Kara
Reminder to everyone that Yuusha Hime Kalibourne starts this Tuesday. Two days from now. And will update three times a week. That is, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You want to read it. You know you want to read it. READ IT. Or else.
I can't think of an 'or else what' just yet, but I will.
Any New Year's Resolutions out there? I don't really have any, not that I'm perfect, but why marr my insanity and eccentricity by trying to be perfect?
Burnt snail anyone?
Sunday, January 1, 2006 at 10:04 AM
While The Co-Writer with the Bluest Liver was off with our college friends (whom I am taking out to dinner to make up for my absence), I was at a 'working party' for the improv/comedy troupe I'm in. As you can probably guess, the whole 'working' part only got us so far.
It's a spanking New Year by Mich
Sunday, January 1, 2006 at 9:13 AM
Happy New Year folks! How did yours start out? My first moments were spent watching an anime that involved cats beating up on pigs [and eventually killing on of the pigs and eating it] and playing 4 whores erm swords until the whee hours of the morning.