Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

"Why is my ass singing?" by Mich
Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 7:36 AM

A new story, and I've been reminded that I need to do my share of the extra stuff for the print volumes. Ack! I'm falling behind!

Not much else really to talk about this week. Last week was a con. Went well. This month is con free - which is good cause I've got 3-4 wigs to style. Well three for myself, and need to finish one (it's mostly done) for Kara. I think I'm only styling this one wig for Kara...

At any rate, I need to finish my own webpage design, start printing business cards, and actually finish a few more costumes to sell.

Also need to start another costume for myself.

Busy busy busy.

Oh yeah, anyone see the new Who last night?

The Mich's jaw dropped during next week's preview.

'Buy some concrete and stock up on Vienna sausages, the fandom is going underground.' by Kara
Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 6:30 AM

Okay, now I really do need to sit down and find the issue starts/ends because we've gone about two without giving you a place to pick up. I mean, really. I say 'we,' but yeah, that's more a 'me' thing.

Went and saw Iron Man last night, and I definitely recommend it to everyone. My only true problem with it was the vaguely heavy-handed sociopolitical commentary, but these days you're not gonna get any film without that, much less a mainstream superhero flick. Nonetheless, this is the best Marvel adaptation I've seen -- the effects are awesome, the story is good, it's funny, it's badass without getting 'pretentious' (in that bad way that many superhero movies do where they're trying too hard to Just Be Cool), and stuff blows up. I actually skipped going to see The Forbidden Kingdom after it because I didn't think anything could follow it.

This is a hell of a month for movies, too. Next weekend is Speed Racer, the weekend after is Prince Caspian, the weekend after that is the new Indiana Jones. I mean to say. I'm gonna be a busy lady -- it's become time to go back to nipping off to the theatre solo on Saturdays to make sure I catch all these.

If you have been, they did it already!

Upcoming Conventions

Nekocon: 6-8 Nov 2015

Katsucon: 12-14 Feb 2016

MAGFest: 18-21 Feb 2016

(Re)Generation Who: 18-20 Mar 2016

RavenCon: 29 Apr-1 May 2016

Anime Mid-Atlantic: 17-19 Jun 2016

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