Blacklight * By Mich Allen and Kara Dennison

...I love hte idea of being old, you're all so daft! by Mich
Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 8:09 AM

I really wish there was a chance that the business idea I have would have a chance of succeeding to the point where it's the only thing I need to do. I@m already dreading going back to work this year, and I haven't even heard back from them yet. For all I know, I may not even be rehired! (I doubt that one).

I've been in a weird funk lately - not one of those I'm feeling sad ones, just some sort of funk. I didn't even realise it until I sat down yesterday, stuck the latest Doctor Who season into the DVD player, and watched the first two DVDs and special features straight through while sewing that I was even in this funk.

The Firefox Dictionary does not like the word DVD,interesting.

The Mich sews!

'Dear rental office ... please give me my pants.' by Kara
Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 7:08 AM

I am seriously wiped from yesterday -- I was shopping. I know that sounds silly, but having been sick and then making a many-hours outing for the first time was ... well, a little tiring. And has left me with more work to do here. Approaching cons and all that.

New story starting! This one should be a doozy. Co-Writer and I were talking about it the other night, and ... yeah. I'm looking forward to it.

I'm still having a hard time believing my luggage is back. Yesterday I was thinking through things I had to do, and for whatever reason 'check on my luggage' again was one of them. Then I realised ... wait, no, don't have to, do I? It's here and unpacked, and even the clothes in one of them are washed. The trip is good and over. Well, I still need to give some belated Christmas presents to people, but other than that ...

And it's true, what I was thinking. Now that everything's back and back to normal -- now that I know I'm not missing anything -- I'm actually remembering more about the trip. The amusing stuff, that is. For a goodly amount of time, I could only remember the bad stuff because it was foremost in my mind. But I'm actually rustling up the neat stories from my trip now. Thank God ... I was a bit worried that the bad stuff would overshadow the good forever.

I still have a new-found personal dislike of the French, though.

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