In too bad a mood to think up a clever title. by Kara
Was Friday's comic mean?
First off, thanks for reminding me that nobody reads the fscking books. If they did, they'd know what I was talking about. Go to the store and pick up Vol. 1. I told you there were good reasons to get 'em in print.
First: Why would it be mean?: 51%
Not really, but it was interesting: 3%
Uncreativity Penalties
* Math jokes: -50 each (there were like six of you)
* 'Huh?'/'I don't understand'/etc.: -100. That was an option.
* 'Frank maybe, mean no, GAINAX has become a gang of profiteering weinerheads! Truthful.': -10; I said comic, not rant.
* 'If by "mean" you mean did it make me want to rip my eyeballs out, soak them in a 5% saline solution, and then toss them into a full-on pizza oven so I would never be reminded of what they had just seen, then... not really.': +5; thanks ... I guess.
* 'Art reflects the artist. So the question should be "Is Kara mean?". Well... maybe just a little, on Fridays.': +10, I think?
Correct Answer: No one got it. It was 'Yes.' However, anyone who said it to me in person or by e-mail gets +100.
If you have been, who cares?
Friday, October 6, 2006 at 8:38 AM
Straight to the poll.
Second: Nah: 8%
Third: Webcomickers are expected to manipulate their readers: 5%