'Bikers wearing diapers chasing nurses dressed like Smurfs ...' by Kara
(Does anyone even get that reference anymore?)
So this past weekend, there was a HOG (Harley Owners' Group -- see what they did there?) rally in town, and also some kind of church function or other such thing that required wearing Sunday clothes. And, of course, the tourons were out in full force, because it was Saturday and it was pretty out. I expect stupidity from tourons, whether or not I like it. That is, it doesn't surprise me when they trot out in front of traffic out of nowhere when there's a perfectly good crosswalk not terribly far from them at a less dangerous spot.
As I was coming through the Colonial area, because my other regular route was a hair messy, I encountered some awful driving on the parts of some of our guests in town for the day. Stopping in the middle of the road, turning around in the middle of the road, going the wrong way up a lane and about to collide head-on with me ... There was speeding, slow-going, bad parking, road-hogging, you name it.
Meanwhile, the bikers were using hand signals and blinkers, leaving space before and behind them, giving right of way in the right places (as well as to vehicles which knew where they were going when they themselves didn't), etc.
Next time I hear my family bitching about what horrible, dangerous people bikers are, I'm going to scream.
If you have been, hurry up.
Work that saps up all my time, or if not my time, my energy. And asshole neighbours who decide to turn up their music and LEAVE.
Worse yet, the music is on, just enough that I can hear it and it bothers me. I don't like sleeping with earplugs, but I do on occasion, and will. The problem is, there's always one song (or part of one) that is louder than the rest, and that is what annoys me the most.
And if you're not home, what's the point of keeping your music on?
The Mich will kill soon.
Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 8:05 AM
Uh-oh ... there's that bear rabbit again.
Girl on Girl on Girl on Girl on Girl on Guy on Sheep by Mich
Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 3:24 AM
Ah yes, the bunny that just won't die.